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Character Profiles(For debates) Empty Character Profiles(For debates)

Post by Chulance Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:33 pm

I will be doing profiles of characters so people know who they are ind ebates.[list=1][*]
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Character Profiles(For debates) Empty Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Post by Chulance Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:36 pm

Character Profiles(For debates) TengenToppaGurren-LagannMECH

Name: Tengen Toppa Gurren - Lagann
Origin: TTGL
Gender: N/A
Classification: Mecha/Gestalt/Manifested Summon
Age: Created at the beginning of the battle with the Anti-Spiral, so not very old (maybe a few minutes by the time it is destroyed)
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, super speed, energy absorption, energy projection, manifestation of various weapons, reality warping, regeneration, size changing, dimensional travel, teleportation, probability manipulation, etc.
Weaknesses: Powered by the will of its pilots, if the pilots are killed or demoralized it ceases to exist
Destructive Capacity: Universe level+
Speed: Massively FTL (but offset somewhat by its huge size)
Durability: Universe level+
Strength: Immeasurable (being 10 billion light - years across helps)
Standard Equipment: Chou Ginga Gurren-Lagann, Arc Gurren - Lagann, Gurren - Lagann, and Lagann all contained within it.
Notable attacks/Techniques:

- Sniper Rifle: Manifests a giant - sized sniper rifle similar to the one Yoko originally used, headshotted the Anti-Spiral mech (but didn't kill it)

- Giga Drill Breaker: Basically the same as the Gurren - Lagann's GDB, but mega sized. Creates a huge drill over the mech and rams the opponent with it

- Lazengan Overload: Lord Genome uses Lazengan to absorb the energy of an attack and convert it into extra power for TTGL. Absorbed the Anti-Spirals Infinity Big Bang Storm, which had the power of the Big Bang
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Post by Chulance Mon Aug 17, 2009 5:19 pm

Goku in base form
Character Profiles(For debates) Son%20Goku

Name: Son Goku/Kakkarot
Origin: Dragon Ball
Gender: Male
Classification: Alien/Martial Artist
Age: 12 years old at the start of Part I - after various time skips at the end of Part II he's over 40
Powers and Abilities: Super strength, super speed, super durability, flight, ki techniques, teleportation, telepathy (enhanced by physical contact), ki/energy sensing, energy manipulation, transformations
Weaknesses: Tail (Part I as a Child). Can't survive in the vacuum of space. Can only maintain Super Saiyan 3 form for a short time before running out of energy or stamina. Needs energy/life signatures to lock on to use Shunkan Ido effectively, genki dama needs a long time to charge up and only works on people without pure hearts/souls
Destructive Capacity: Planet level+
Speed: Massively hypersonic (mach 1000+)
Durability: Planet+
Strength: Class 100 (capable of smashing mountains, kicking people through multiple islands, leaping into the troposphere (nearly a dozen kilometers)
Standard equipment: As a child used the kintoun, a sentient cloud he could ride on, and the nyoi-bo, a magic pole that could extend and contract at his command. As an adult, uses weighted clothing.
Intelligence: Mastery of martial arts, years of experience fighting powerful and diverse enemies. Is a combat/tactical genius for the most parts. Goku was the first to realize that Super Saiyan states were wasting an extreme amount of energy just by powering up to it, mastered the form despite the huge amount of stress (psychological and physical) the state puts on his body, which is more effective than training two years physically in the Room of Spirit and Time. Also devised different usages of the Kamehameha such as propelling it with his feat, homing in on targets, alterting its path and range, using Ki to augment his physical strength, and so on.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

- Kamehameha (Turtle Wave): A powerful beam of ki, can destroy a planet if enough power is put into it. Also variants of the Kamehameha allow Goku to control it's path or perform it with his feet.

- Chou Kamehameha (Ultimate Turtle Wave): Technically the supreme and mastered version of the Kamehameha.

- Bukujutsu (Lighter than Air Dance): The ability to levitate and fly through the usage of Chi/Ki.

- Zanzoken: Afterimage technique based on speed, the technique is specifically used to overwhelm or trick an opponent into leaving themselves open to a feint attack

- Kaioken: A martial arts technique that focuses one's Ki to bodily increase their physical power, Ki output, and speed.

- Kiai: A Ki technique using the power of his Chi to physically repel physical or energy attacks through his aura or voice.

- Super Saiyan Forms: This is a Saiyan transformation which increases his base ki/power level by 50 times, and this is proportioned to his physical attributes giving him a great and even increase in strength, ki power, speed, stamina, and durability. However, without mastery of this form, much of this energy is wasted transforming and maintaining the transformation. Vegeta and Trunks (Goku also knew how) managed to increase their strength, by gaining the 2nd and 3rd grades of the regular SSJ, but it was at the cost of speed, and greatly so in the case of the 3rd. Goku eventually mastered SSJ to it's Full Power and could maintain it efficiently. After that, there came Super Saiyan 2, which is twice as strong as a Super Saiyan, and Super Saiyan 3, which is four times as strong as as a Super Saiyan 2. This 3rd and final form is hard to maintain and is yet to be truly mastered by Goku.

- Genki Dama: Gathers life energy from allies and nature to create a bomb to fire at an opponent, useless against pure-hearted beings but exceptionally effective against evil beings.

- Shunkan Ido (Instant Transmission): Instantly teleports to a source of Ki after sensing it

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Post by lol1991 Tue Aug 18, 2009 3:29 am

TTGL is 10 MILLION (not billion) light years tall.
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