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What game should Nikku get next??

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What game should Nikku get next?? Empty What game should Nikku get next??

Post by Nikku Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:42 pm

I want a new game! Even though I have tons left to finish, not including the one's I absolutely cannot do. Some of the choises in this poll are ones I'm not really interested in, I just added 'em for more opinions! Also, this poll is multiple choice!


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What game should Nikku get next?? Empty Re: What game should Nikku get next??

Post by Jessica Raine Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:31 am

If you don't have it, forget about that list and get Dragon Quest IX Now.
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What game should Nikku get next?? Left_bar_bleue100/100What game should Nikku get next?? Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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What game should Nikku get next?? Empty Re: What game should Nikku get next??

Post by Nikku Sun Oct 17, 2010 1:41 pm


Ye-Yes Jessie!

*Runs off to buy it*


*Runs back*

But Jessie! Nikku does not have a DS yet!!

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What game should Nikku get next?? Empty Re: What game should Nikku get next??

Post by Jessica Raine Sun Oct 17, 2010 8:35 pm


Are you into Kingdom hearts now? Because Birth By SLeep on the PSP is probably the 2dn best in the entire series, despite being a handheld. Also, it's a prequel so you don't really need to have played the others. But yeah, the graphics are amazing, The voice acing is great (Mark Hamill and Lenard Nimoy FTW) and the gameplay is fun
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What game should Nikku get next?? Empty Re: What game should Nikku get next??

Post by Nikku Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:33 am

Yes, I have KH1 and 2! I sort of liked KH1, but I lurved KH2... except those Atlantis singing bits... *Shudders*

I've seen the PSP one on store shelves!

*Puts a Kairi outfit on Jessie*

Kaissie! Poo Poo Fruit!!

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What game should Nikku get next?? Empty Re: What game should Nikku get next??

Post by Jessica Raine Thu Oct 21, 2010 5:25 pm

*gets kidnapped or looses my heart to the darkness or some crap*

poo poo the chick in Birth By Sleep, Aqua, is a million times cooler than Kairi
X D Aqua is BADASS.
Jessica Raine
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What game should Nikku get next?? Empty Re: What game should Nikku get next??

Post by Vampire Knight Sat Nov 13, 2010 7:29 pm

pokemans new lets down
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What game should Nikku get next?? Left_bar_bleue100/100What game should Nikku get next?? Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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What game should Nikku get next?? Empty Re: What game should Nikku get next??

Post by Jessica Raine Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:31 pm

huh? the new pokemon is a let down? what was that sentence? X D
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