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Marvel vs DC comics

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Marvel vs DC comics Empty Marvel vs DC comics

Post by lol1991 Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:08 pm

So...EVERYONE!! From every single comic book ever made by the two companies...who wins?

I bet on Marvel. While DC posseses very powerful individual (Superman, Flash (he can implode people apparently), Batman's robot, etc), Marvel has...oh right, living planets, space entities that can just wish them dead, the Celestials, Galactus, and God (the one above all)
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Marvel vs DC comics Empty Re: Marvel vs DC comics

Post by Jessica Raine Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:15 pm

well I dunno in terms of manpower, but as far as quality of comic books and awesomeness of the characters ias characters, I prefer DC. Until last year the only superhero I even liked was Spiderman, I didn't like american comics and I HATED batman, I thought he was so lame. Now I read batman comics alot and I think he's the coolest thing ever. but yeah. I love batman now, his backstory and character is very deep and complicated. superrman, meeeh...I never cared for him, found him too perfect. flash is cool and wonderwoman and stuff. I don't really like anything from marvel except spiderman. I realize this topic is more about who would win in a fight, but I'm talking what company has better comics.
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Marvel vs DC comics Empty Re: Marvel vs DC comics

Post by Chulance Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:17 pm

Ah now this will be an interesting debate! I personally think DC wins Marvel is more realistic in my opinion even the gods are DC is made for gods. Flash can implode people because he can supercharge their molecules or something. Anyway point is Flash is increadibly faster than anything in the Marvel universe still it dosen't mean he can own beings like Galactus.

Well he possibly could anyway point is Flash can wipe out most of Marvel's superheroes by imploding them faster than light but than comes beings like Thor but than again Flash can move faster than him and implode him before he reacts. He can Battle Cosmic entities with IMP the only cosmic enemy he could possibly beat is Galactus, Now Superman is a different case he can beat people who can destroy the user by flicking their pinkie.

He can sneeze Galaxies away and carry stars. He can recreate galaxies and defy hell and heaven. He surpassed Prescence aka the Omnipotent,Omiscient, and Omnipresent god once he became Superman 1 million and can do anything and can beat any god. We have Dr.Manhattan on DC who can regernate from any form of damage and basically have complete control over matter.

He can turn the marvel unievrse fighters into powerless humans and so can Prescience/Spectre. Amazo can steal souls and absorb all the cosmic eneities and copy the power fo the heart of the universe. Whatever he copies he becomes more powerful thereforehe copies the heart and wipes out the marvel universe.
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Marvel vs DC comics Empty Re: Marvel vs DC comics

Post by Jessica Raine Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:21 pm

I forgot that Watchmen was DC...well that reinforces my opinion that DC comics are cooler. and it sounds like Dr. manhattan and the flash could wipe out almost all of Marvel in minutes
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Marvel vs DC comics Empty Re: Marvel vs DC comics

Post by Chulance Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:21 pm

Yes a combination of them plus Superman for extrra help. These are the guys that can beat Marvel and a few others like kYle Rayner and Amazo.

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Marvel vs DC comics Empty Re: Marvel vs DC comics

Post by Jessica Raine Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:23 pm

DC wins then in my book
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Marvel vs DC comics Empty Re: Marvel vs DC comics

Post by Chulance Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:31 pm

Mine too! I like DC better than Marvel but I love Spiderman, and X men plus Hulk is pretty cool and I use to like Thor
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Marvel vs DC comics Empty Re: Marvel vs DC comics

Post by Jessica Raine Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:32 pm

spiderman is the only thing from marvel I like. But DC is great
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Marvel vs DC comics Empty Re: Marvel vs DC comics

Post by Chulance Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:51 pm

I agree except I like a few more marvel guys
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Marvel vs DC comics Empty Re: Marvel vs DC comics

Post by lol1991 Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:52 pm

Dont' forget the entities themselves. I can't remember there names, but I think it's


None of these guys have physical bodies. They can't be harmed. And they can warp reality itself. Nothing that as a physical body can withstand that.
Then you have Abraxis. The guy that Galactus keeps in check. He's also very very powerful, but he as a physical body, so maybe Superman and Manhattan could kill him.

Then you can even bring up the Elder Gods, which pretty much ends it right there. The only thing you could do is seal them back up, and the DC would first have to figure out how.

Mind you, I have very little knowledge of these guys, but I'm not making it up. I again refer you to wikipedia. You choose not to believe me, it's your choice, but wikipedia does not lie.

Finally, in terms of quality. Marvel is not only more realistic, it's better.For character depth, some of them are regular Gaaras, to put it in a way you would understand. And plus, there powers are much cooler

OH YEAH. And to fight Flash, Marvel has Quicksilver.
He can run at the speed of sound, but he no longer has that power. Now he can do something called "time displacement" He can instantly teleport into the future and back. He can make clones of himself, and appear to move instantly from one point to another.
This puts Flash at a disadvantage. Flash can move fast. Quicksilver can literally teleport. He can grab Flash and leave him stranded somewhere in time, and then Flash his out. When Flash eventually comes back, repeat the process.
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Marvel vs DC comics Empty Re: Marvel vs DC comics

Post by Jessica Raine Mon Apr 27, 2009 6:54 pm

.................I dunno what to say
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Marvel vs DC comics Empty Re: Marvel vs DC comics

Post by Chulance Mon Apr 27, 2009 7:03 pm

But I do!

Superman 1 million is immune to reality warping and he controls all that existence. Only Amazo can beat him he can own the entities because he copie the powers of any person and stronger than them. Thanos with HOTU owned them so Amazo gets the heart's powers stronger he absorbs all the cosmic entities and simply destroys the rest.

Thanks for reminiding me those are the people and I've seen Galactus in aphysical body all the time.

Dont' forget the entities themselves. I can't remember there names, but I think it's Superman and Manhattancan kill Abraxis.Amazo can read minds much faster than light he'd instnatly know what to do and use the heart to do it or erase them from existence.

Then you can even bring up the Elder Gods, which pretty much ends it right there. The only thing you could do is seal them back up, and the DC would first have to figure out how.

Flash is much faste rtan the speed of sound and time displacment is a rip of Flash's speed force powers which were created long before time displacement. Flash can instantly go to the future and back and his speed is faster than teleportatoin. He can also bring clones of himself from the future and past to create an army. He moves so fast he's much faster than teleporation. flash can travel through time.
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Marvel vs DC comics Empty Re: Marvel vs DC comics

Post by Nikku Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:00 am

I... honestly couldn't decide! Batman is one of my most favorite heroes evr (perhaps even my all time favorite), but Marvel has Spidey and the X-Men whom I lurve!

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Marvel vs DC comics Empty Re: Marvel vs DC comics

Post by lol1991 Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:53 am

Wait what. That 1 million crap is bullshit. I mean come on. Fine then, I bring out Scarlet Witch.
She can do this

"No more mutants"
And presto, everyone lost their powers. It was one of the most shocking scenes of recent comic book history. Look up "House of M".
Scarlet Witch can be considered the strongest mutant ever. She can alter reality. Then you got the son of Mister Fantastic (Reed Richards) and The Invisible Woman (Susan Richards). Is name is Frank Richards. The kid can also warp reality. So as far as Superman goes, there are two Marvel guys that can pull off that reality warping crap.
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Marvel vs DC comics Empty Re: Marvel vs DC comics

Post by Chulance Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:48 am

Ha, I knew you'd bring in Scarlet witch. Only two? Marvel goes down hard for one reason Superman 1 million is immmune to everything he is immune to reality warping, so id Doomsday, Kyle Rayner Amazo ect. They also are more skilled with their reality warping and it's on a higher level.
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Marvel vs DC comics Empty Re: Marvel vs DC comics

Post by Tlaloc Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:56 pm

I prefer the DC heroes as they are more willing to do the job and you can look up to them, and DC also has their Death who is cuter than Marvel's and DC also has their equivalent of The One Above All, called The Prescence.

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