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NGP (Next Generation Portable) AKA PSP 2.

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NGP (Next Generation Portable) AKA PSP 2. Empty NGP (Next Generation Portable) AKA PSP 2.

Post by justinlynch3 Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:14 pm


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NGP (Next Generation Portable) AKA PSP 2. Left_bar_bleue100/100NGP (Next Generation Portable) AKA PSP 2. Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

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NGP (Next Generation Portable) AKA PSP 2. Empty Re: NGP (Next Generation Portable) AKA PSP 2.

Post by Jessica Raine Thu Jan 27, 2011 4:33 pm

The PSP is just a load of wasted potential, in my opinion.
There's not a lot of games for it, but the system is good, in that the graphics and stuff are very nice. And when they make a good game, it's awesome. I have less than 5 games for my PSP, but they're all glorious (Me and My Katamari, Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, Miku Hatsune: Project Diva, and some Guilty Gear game)
It's a good system that is kind of ruined by poor management and a lack of big titles. If sony treated it as lovingly as Nintendo treated the DS, it would be much popular.

The PSP GO seemed like a horrible mess of bad decisions, I think it's too soon to be making a new one. They should develop a few good games for the PSP first and remind people that it can kickass before they make a new PSP, few people will take the chance on it.

But i could be horribly wrong, who knows.
Jessica Raine
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NGP (Next Generation Portable) AKA PSP 2. Empty Re: NGP (Next Generation Portable) AKA PSP 2.

Post by Son Goku Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:09 pm

Jessica Raine wrote:meh....
The PSP is just a load of wasted potential, in my opinion.
There's not a lot of games for it, but the system is good, in that the graphics and stuff are very nice. And when they make a good game, it's awesome. I have less than 5 games for my PSP, but they're all glorious (Me and My Katamari, Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, Miku Hatsune: Project Diva, and some Guilty Gear game)
It's a good system that is kind of ruined by poor management and a lack of big titles. If sony treated it as lovingly as Nintendo treated the DS, it would be much popular.

The PSP GO seemed like a horrible mess of bad decisions, I think it's too soon to be making a new one. They should develop a few good games for the PSP first and remind people that it can kickass before they make a new PSP, few people will take the chance on it.

But i could be horribly wrong, who knows.

Yeah, I got the PSP when it launched. Ever since, I've played a grand total of three games! I just really, really hate the lack of two analog sticks, plus I never play games when I go out anyway, so I'm pretty meh on this new PSP2, even though it has the right analog and dual touch screens. This thing appeals more to Japanese because they're always on the trains and stuff, plus from what I've read they're about five years behind westerners when it comes to what games they play (Standard definition, little to no online play, etc.) Japan loves the PSP.
Son Goku
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NGP (Next Generation Portable) AKA PSP 2. Empty Re: NGP (Next Generation Portable) AKA PSP 2.

Post by Jessica Raine Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:49 pm

yeah, and they seem to have a few Japan-only games that look cool, mostly anime related. I had to import my Miku Hatsune game, and there's a K-on one that looks cool. But both of the games I just named are super girly.
Jessica Raine
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NGP (Next Generation Portable) AKA PSP 2. Empty Re: NGP (Next Generation Portable) AKA PSP 2.

Post by Nikku Fri Jan 28, 2011 10:56 am

Lookie!! PSP2! I ain't getting it though, nice try Sony! ^___^

I lurve mah PeeEssPee, I play games with it every single day; catch, frisbee, fetch, all sorts of games... oh wait I mean uh... VIDEOgames! Hehehe...!

Also, Jessie, I have that Guilty Gear game! Bridget is my favorite! He's sooooo cuuuuuute!!!!! Baiken is also a favorite of mine! Also, whats that Kingdom Hearts game like? Is my dad, Zack Fair, really in it?? Is the gameplay like KH1 and 2?

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NGP (Next Generation Portable) AKA PSP 2. Empty Re: NGP (Next Generation Portable) AKA PSP 2.

Post by Jessica Raine Sat Jan 29, 2011 3:11 pm

yep, Zack's in it. It's much better than Kingdom Hearts 1, hell I even think I like it better than Kingdom hearts 2. And there's only like 1 repeat world in the whole thing. ONE. All of the other worlds are new, like a Sleeping Beauty world (Maleficent FTW). Yes, no more suckish-agraba world! No Goofy wasting all of your damn potions on Donald when he has almost full HP and you're dying. No repetitive gummi ship sections! It's really cool.
Jessica Raine
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NGP (Next Generation Portable) AKA PSP 2. Empty Re: NGP (Next Generation Portable) AKA PSP 2.

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