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Spiderman Uprising

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Spiderman Uprising Empty Spiderman Uprising

Post by Chulance Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:31 pm

Spiderman Uprising 572821-amazing_spider_man_546_hitch_variant_large

Spiderman Uprising
Spiderman, the legendary hero of the Big Apple determined to do his best to combat rising crime, and become the hero that people need. The inspiration to children, to the big brother all people need. The hero to the people, the one on their level. The Web Slinging, Wall Crawling, Neighborhood Spiderman of legend has returned to New York full time duty. Departing from the SXML, deciding he is a hero to the people, and his powers are not suited for teams. As it was too dangerous last time Dale has cut off all ties, and decided to follow in the steps of his predecessor using his College Degree to get a role as an Investigate Reporter at the Daily Bugle. Now the life and times, and the journey of the Amazing Spiderman resumes.

-This focuses on the character of Dale Parker, his supporting cast, and enemies. It is in the same verse as HU, these characters, and plots can be featured. Original Characters are welcome, I want this to have a fairly realistic sci fi tone, please contact me for info. Smile

-I'm the boss, then again so is Firo because he knows alot about Spiderman.

-Power Levels can vary since there have been some strong ass shit in Spiderman, thank God for CIS. Best thing about CIS is it happens in real life XD. Try to run ideas by either me or Firo.

-Don't worry about time relative to HU, and the other rp's don't think about it too hard.
"Dale Parker was seen in the Daily Bugle, listening to the rants of Jordan. J. Jameson, a true Jameson ranting at various things and saw the secretary Trina rolling her eyes, and pressed down a button?

Trina: "Sighs" Why Jameson
Jordan: BECAUSE HE's a CROOK A THIEF! ALL these masked People are bad, you see Ventro, and Stark wearing masks! Even those low down rat bastard spandex dress
Trina: Ight listen Jameson, your wife had a message calm the fuck down, and the new reporter Parker is here
Jordan: PArker, he brought his ass back here, he's a reporter now?! Send him in
Trina: K.

"Trina turns off the intercom and smiles at Dale."

Trina: Hey Dale, you know how he gets, so your in the big leagues now investigative reporter, where ya been
Dale: Remember World War 4, I did some Military Photography down there, got shot, didn't want to get noticed or anything, lost my footage, Military funded my billings, took break, did some traveling, realized I should be back home.
Trina: Yeah, two of my favorite men back Spidey, and you.
Dale: What a coincidence.

"Dale heads inside the office, back-pack slung around his back, taking a seat, and Jordan opens the window as he smokes another cigarette, and he explains the situation. In Star-bucks a police officer named "Nixon" is seen speaking to another officer. After a short conversation the other cop leaves, and Nixon's phone buzzes and he picks up."

Nixon: Yeah, I set him up, he's coming your way.
???: Good Nixon, you''ve proved yourself time time and again, have you heard of Spiderman's return
Nixon: The Web-slinger's back yeah you know that, but come on is the Big Man scared of some crazy vigilante.
???: I don't have to play games, we both know if Spiderman was of minimal threat, we would have disposed of him, you want those millions take him out, I admire you but I have no time for humor. The King-Pin's return is imminent, and Hood-star himself is gathering quite the reputation get to work.
Nixon: "Rolls Eyes" Alright Big Man.

"Nixon hung up and put his phone in his pocket, then got up and went outside to his vehicle, a slim mercadies, being an under-cover cop he got the best of the best."
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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by lol1991 Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:19 pm

"Meanwhile, on a college campus, we find a young man walking along, wearing what looks like a lab coat. He gets inside a private lab rented out"

Man: Alright then. Just a bit more...and I'll be done with this

Last edited by lol1991 on Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by justinlynch3 Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:36 pm

*In a ally way we see a figure wearing a black cloak and hood, in this figures grasp is a girl in her late teens, bruised and broken, blood drips from her mouth as she gasp for air due to the figure holding her by the throat.*

Girl: P-please... I got... money...

*The figure removes her hood revealing a familiar face. Once Tanya's rival, and lacky of Metallic and later Virus, we see Nina with a slight grin.*

Nina: I have no use for money... but there is something I want from you.
Girl: A-anything... please.

*Nina grinned, revealing her fang like teeth she had specially done for so many years ago, the girl looked on in fright as Nina lunged forward in a bite like fashion. Cutting away from the scene we see a splatter of blood accompanied by a scream, which would be the last sound said girl will make.*

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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by Chulance Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:26 pm

"Dale had left the office smiling, Trina noted his grin, Dale was always happy even Jameson's bitching couldn't keep him down, and he met up with Betty outside."

Betty: So your not my photo taking side kick anymore, now your in the big leagues, well we got a new kid Jimmy, he's suppose to be a good photo taker.
Dale: Haha, well don't you worry I'm still doing freelance photography, you know Spidey is my buddy and all, so It's double pay.
Betty: Haha nice Daley, you working for that promotion.
Dale :You got it, you know Jameson loves me.

"The two got on the elevator, and went to the bottom floor, Dale knew he'd get his job. He'd been the Bugle's best photographer when he was there until he got re-hired at the police station. As an officer he had to be careful with his freelance being an officer of the law, not wanting to get suspended or deal with legal charges. Now he had complete artistic freedome, and left heading outside with Betty."

Betty: Well I'll be seeing ya gotta get a taxi.
Dale: Kk Bye.

"Dale hugged her and headed off into an ally. He quickly stripped off his clothes, and changed into costume. He slipped his clothes into his costume, and leaped forward swinging through the streets of New York. The SXML Had been fun, but this was where he belonged."

Dale: WHOO HOO! I'm Back!

"He saw a high speed chase going on and swung hopping on the car in pursuit, the people cheered, the driver swerved to the right, but Dale stuck to the vehicle, there were two drivers, two Hispanic teenagers trying to steal a Mercedes. Dale sighed."

Dale: Come on guys seriously, stealing a car, and your already being chased for a police? Now Spiderman is on your ass, just stop the car
Teen: "Laugsh" No Comprende bitch!

"ONe of the teens went to fire bullets, Dale's spider sense went off, he leaped off the car, then shot a web through the window ripping the gun out of the teen's hand then leaped to the side of the car punching out the driver. He leaped in the car, webbing the teen in the passenger seat, and slammed his foot on the break slowing the car down. As it came to a halt he emerged from the vehicle, and police came out their cars clapping, people happy."

Dale: The Spiderman is back! And Remember this is why insurance is important, it's also why I can't afford a Spider-mobile.

"Dale fires a string of webs and zip-lines away to the roof of a tall building. He looks below at the streets, some people are chanting Spiderman, filled with optimism he rushes forward and leaps to another roof top in rem-incense of when he first manifested his powers. His phone goess off and he pulls it out seeing the caller ID as Lucy, he picks up."

Dale: Hey Lucy what's
Lucy: no time, we need Spiderman now, we need a hero asap. Code Blue just learned of a string of killings, three girls dead, only relations is there all in the same age group. Young Adults, no preference on weight or height. I told you Code Blue would help you out, this person seems to have some sort of ability relating to force as there's no signs of physical attacks aside from bite marks.
Dale: Bite-marks, if your dealing w ith vampires, you should call GRA.
Lucy: No it isn't vampires, it's mutants trust me I remember the basics for the supernatural locating, just see if you can find anything.
Dale: Alright gotcha thanks.

"Dale hung up and slid his phone into his pocket."

Dale: Good job Spidey, first day on the job, and three people are dead. I bet Jameson will have fun with that headline. I can already hear it now, Proof of the Menace, innocent girls dying, what kind of a hero is that!

"Dale leaped off the roof top and began zipping through the lower sections of the building hoping to find the killer."
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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by justinlynch3 Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:51 pm

*Nina was hooded again moving through the shadows, she grinned, licking her lips as if just having enjoyed a tasty meal.*

Nina: It's good to be forgotten, gives so much freedom to kill whoever I please. Twisted Evil

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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by Chulance Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:12 pm

???: Excuse me can you run those last lines by me again, I don't think that's part of the script at least not part of the script of any movie I'm part of, but maybe we can speak to the director. If It's Michael Bay, then it makes some sense.

"When Nina turned it appeared it was none other then Spiderman confronting her turned upside down smiling at her as if they were talking about a football game, or Sunday dinner after church. He fired a strand of web at her hoody tearing it off as part of the torn off hoodie was webbed to the wall."

Dale: Web balls, ya gotta love em. Alright anything you wan't to add to the script because it's about to be lights out so I'm just making sure,
"Harvey sat down sipping his martini, Carmen was out of the way thanks to his ingenious but risky plan. He was just glad he had an even partnership with his father, Carmen had no interest."

Harvey: Perfect, so your saying the alliance with Morris and Stark industries is profitable. Why not continue the powers project, sure we can't grant mutant powers but what we have is better, a version Military can use, a version that can be removed with no complications from Gene-Cleanser.
Jorgan: see what happened to Neil, he's still our figure head, and has 25% of the company but come on now.
Harvey: Neil let the power get to his head, sure Mr. Sinister's living him. Frankly I don't give a damn our security guard can watch time in slow motion, and I have a gun with admantium bullets, and I am trained in the arts of self defense, so fuck him.
Jorgan: You under-estimate Mr., Sinister
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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by justinlynch3 Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:23 pm

*Nina seemed unimpressed by Dale's little stunt.*

Nina: You, huh, I had forgotten you was a hero. Shouldn't you be out stopping a bank robbery or some other job real heroes doesn't have the time of day for.

*She pulls her fist back, and lunges forward opening her palm going for a bone shattering palm strike.*

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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by lol1991 Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:33 pm

"Just as the fight is getting intense, suddenly, Nina gets an uppercut. A guy, wearing a strange black suit with wings, appeared right in front of her"

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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by Chulance Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:39 pm

"Dale frowns seeing the "Yellow-jacket" who's come to "save" him from the woman claiming to be a vampire. He had encountered her before, Nina he sighed he just wished he could lock her up. He knew Code Blue had the Raft built on Stryker island so had a super-human prison in Manhattan specifically for super human inmates."

Dale: Yellow-jacket? What so you float like a butterfly, sting like a bee? I guess that's cool, Spiders and Bee's working together to save the day. Alright Nina, you done there's two heroes, one can bite, the other stings? So you gonna give up or do you need to get a spanking?
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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by lol1991 Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:43 pm

Yellowjacket: Wait, you don't know me! I am the famous hero Yellowjacket! Come on! I invented the Pym Particle!
Dale: Then you're Hank Pym...strange thought he was dead

"The hero just hangs his head"

Yellowjacket: Haven't you ever heard of spiritual successors...
Dale: I am one
Yellowjacket: Oh...right...anyway, lets do this! Two heroes against such an opponent shall be an easy fight

"Yellowjacket shrinks to the size of a bee and flies towards Nina, intending to suddenly grow and use the momentum to take her out"

Last edited by lol1991 on Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:11 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by justinlynch3 Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:47 pm

*Nina flipped back from the strike, making a cat like landing before standing up.*

Nina: So Spidy got back up, not strong enough to fight a real villain one on one hey.

*She stood her ground, tracking her two opponents.*

Nina: What's you going to do Spidy, web me? Please, go home before you get hurt. As for whoever the fuck this guy is, this fighting is making me hungry. I might keep him for myself.

*See YellowJacket shrink she lost track of him, but quickly sent a pulse wave through the air to blast both him and Spidy back.*

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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by Chulance Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:31 pm

Dale: Web you, I'm sorry I only reel in beautiful girls, meaning you defiantly don't qualify.

"Dale's spider sense went off, and he leaped into the air landing on the edge of a stair-way, then leaped forward flipping and landing behind Nina knocking her out."

Dale: Easy..
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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by lol1991 Mon Sep 05, 2011 2:54 pm

"Meanwhile, Yellowjacket had passed out and returned to normal size, the pulse wave having taken the inexperienced fighter out"

Yellowjacket: Ouch! ouchouch!
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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by Chulance Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:02 pm

"Dale looks at Nina, as police come. Dale grabs Yellow-jacket, and fires a web swinging away with Yellow-Jacket in hand. Getting to a roof top away from the fight he sets him down."

Dale: Some Hero to Hero advice, if your not sure what's gonna happen with a certain power don't use it yet. Trust me from personal experience it fucks you up. Anyway I gotta go.

"Dale fires his webs and swings off heading to his apartment. In another area, Nixon is seen shooting down some thugs and calling for back up."

Nixon: Some of the Big Man's thugs attacked me, I managed to down them, be on the look out.

"Nixon grinned and leaned against his vehicle, the Big Man was taking the city back, and Spiderman wasn't going to stop him. Jordan was on the phone with his wife slamming the phone down back in the Bugle turning to Kitty."

Jordan: WTF are you waiting for Kitty! You haven't gotten me any god damn stories in the past week, this is Spiderman's return to New York and you're gonna let Parker one up you! Please! If you want the promotion then GET GOING NOOW!!!!!!
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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by lol1991 Mon Sep 05, 2011 3:58 pm

"Yellowjacket sighs. He takes off his mask, revealing the young man from earlier"

Yellowjacket: I guess I need to train a bit. I still don't really control this very well...

"He puts the mask back on and flies off"
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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by justinlynch3 Mon Sep 05, 2011 4:27 pm

*A little while later Nina is in the back of a police car and getting taken to the station... when she recovers and wakes up.*

Nina: Fuck that gay tights wearing bitch...

*Noticing where she is, she see's a officer pointing a gun at her.*

Nina: Oh hell no....

*We soon see the car get ripped apart by a large pulse as Nina makes a quick get away. Meanwhile another women, another former member of TS, Tracy, is waiting in what appears to be a poorly lite warehouse.*

Tracy: *sigh* Where is that crazy idiot. It was so much easiler to keep her under control when Jin was here... I actually kind of miss the prick.

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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by Chulance Mon Sep 05, 2011 5:03 pm

Dale: hey....I didn't mean like that.

"Dale sighs and sits down on the edge of the roof, grabbing his camera, he's heading back in his apartment and swings in and webs the window shut. He takes off his costume, and reviews his police computer groaning about hearing about an escape. He plops down on the bed."

Dale: Great..she's out, why the fuck didn't Code Blue subdue her. I need..some rest.

"Dale falls to the bed falling asleep. Jordan is going through some files, looking at the pictures Dale had e-mailed him, and reviewed them."

Jordan: hehe nice as usual, nice to have ya back kid.
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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by lol1991 Sun Sep 18, 2011 8:59 pm

"Meanwhile, elsewhere in the city, a robbery is happening. The man pushes a young kid against the wall and points a knife at him"

Robber: Hand it over kid

"Just then, someone taps on his shoulder. As he turns around, he gets hit right in the face by a punch from a random civilian. However, one can see his fists are glowing, although it stops instantly. The man pats the kid on the head as he runs off"

Man: Well...guess I have to drag you to police headquarters...
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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by justinlynch3 Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:02 pm

*Nina reaches Tracy's location and is greeted with a slap. Nina scowls as Tracy looks firm.*

Tracy: Be grateful I don't take these gloves off.
Nina: I can kill you.
Tracy: Your not sane enough to survive on your own, you need me.
Nina: Grr.

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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by lol1991 Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:10 pm

"After dropping the guy at the station, the man makes his way across New York. Since the hero outbreak, shit had really hit the fan. Upon closer inspection, the man is wearing an overcoat, and a hat reminiscent of of old noir films"

Man: Sigh...

"He finally comes upon a run down building. On the front, it says "Max Lion, PI

"He sits down on a chair in a run down office, after taking off his overcoat and hat"

Last edited by lol1991 on Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:41 am; edited 1 time in total
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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by justinlynch3 Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:19 pm

Tracy: Look we have to start to gather a new team if we're going to stay afloat. Jet is a no go, Forgotten is disbanded, Virus is a no go. Right now I know where Momentum might be. We're getting him first.
Nina: Fine, lets get another team that'll just fall apart.

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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by lol1991 Sat Sep 24, 2011 6:36 pm

"Meanwhile, night is falling in New York City. Max his exiting a bar he frequently visits. It's raining outside, and he sighs and heads home. Overcoat and hat protecting him from the downpour. Just then, he sees a car racing past him, being chased by a black biker"

Max: What...

"Max has a sense for these things...and that biker's chi...was very very off. He chases after them, suddenly showing off impressive speed, enough to at least keep them in line of sight"
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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by Chulance Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:09 pm

"A Man is seen sitting down in Starbucks. While he was no mutant he had a strange aura around him and his laptop was on his table as he sipped a fresh coffee that he'd just payed for. The man looked down at his table, he was researching something about mechanical arms or weapons of sorts. As the waitress approached he shut his laptop quickly causing the waitress to bat her eyes as she sat at the table."

???: Barry you alright?
Barry: Sorry Eden you just surprised me, I was just doing some lab research. I'm just glad to get a break.

"Eden leaned over and gave Barry a hug before sitting down. Working at Starbucks had it's advantages, one of the perks being unlimited access to the cappachuno machine and the store itself during the hours it was open. She sipped her own latte and leaned back in her chair."

Eden: Yeah life's going good with me too, thanks for asking. Doing good in my studies, think I'm gonna do great working with kids.
Barry: You're gonna need the energy, I can hardly deal with nephew and niece not to mention a whole class,
Eden: You deal with COLLEGE students Barry come on, there's a big difference.
Barry: Yeah unlike high school and middle school students, they don't share there issues with me, that's something I have the luxury of not knowing.

"As Barry said that another person entered the Starbucks, it was late at night so activity was starting to go down. But this person was someone who lived and breathed off Starbucks, and when they weren't open Red Bulls and Monsters. Dale Parker, former police officer, and now a photographer and the video director at the Bugle which under Jordan was not the best of things but the job payed well enough, and now with his priorities set he was free to pursue his interests in the sciences. Sititng down at a table he called over the manager."

Dale: Hey Katie, just hook me up with my usual please.
Katie: Haha no problem Dale.

"Katie went back grabbing the latte, and Dale pulled out his wallet. He pulled out a ten dollar bill and gave it to Katie, and felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning to see his professor Barry whom also frequented Starbucks."

Barry: How you doing Parker.
Dale: Good Professor, just tired after some work for the Bugle, just got some e-mails about some break ups about those heat strokes later, my buddy helped alot of people out.
Barry: Spiderman, careful about the company you keep.
Dale: Trust me Prof, I'm not looking to toss on spandex and go fight robbers, I have enough to be worried out with exams.
Barry: That's m'boy leave the viiglante nonsense to Stark and Ventro. There more then capable of handling it, plus they have flashier stuff.
Dale: They really do.

"Dale felt somewhat hurt that some people didn't appreciate his work at Spiderman. But he knew he was saving lives, not managing a fan club, and the only website he operated was the Bugle's. He was typing rapidly on his laptop to clear out a recent virus that nearly breached the site's fire walls while sipping his coffee and talking to Katie. Barry walked out thirty minutes after he'd arrived opening his car and looking at a package he had int he trunk as he got in."

Barry: My God what have I done, restoring this research, but now that I started I'm going all the way.

"Barry started his vehicle up and left the Starbucks parking lot. In another area Jorgan was stepping inside his room he was doing with his meeting for the day and he had more to worry about. The Cyber Goblin equipment was missing, but he had a drug test making sure the Goblin Formula was not in his system, and he had his men searching for Sinister but had confirmed he had not stolen anything from the company aside from finances. A Woman slipped in with two drinks in her hand sitting on her lap and planting a kiss on Jorgan's cheek. She sipped her own drink and set them down."

Jorgan: Hello Veronica.
Veronica: Oooh commanding, did I do something wrong Mr. Osborn are you going to punish me.
Jorgan: Oh come on, you know about the meeting today. Not in the mood for games,
Veronica: So you just wanna get serious today, Carmen wouldn't like Mr. Moan and groan.
Jorgan: But I know you will.

"Jorgan kissed her, for now he had his mistress to attend too. He'd worry about his business, and the missing equipment later. In an abandoned subway station a person in the Cyber Goblin attire along with the equipment to go with it was walking around with some people who seemed pumped as if they'd just downed several energy drinks or finished snorting cocaine or some other narcotic. The Cyber Goblin who's gender remained anonymous to those it was speaking to sat down opening a sprite downing it."

CG: Now listen, Oscorp's shipment! We're intercepting, the rise of the Goblins is now! Fuck the Big Man, Fuck The Mafia, Fuck the Triads, tell them to SHOVE an eggroll up their oriential asses and head back to Asia! We runt his place, and once we have the Green , it's time to get mean!!!! LETS ROCK THIS CITY BITCHES!

"On the radio's they had set up, Martians vs Goblins was being blasted as well as other songs by Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them all it was if the beats were fueling their anger and violence towards the city."
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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by justinlynch3 Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:40 pm

*Within the center of the city alarms was blaring, outside a bank was a blue car, several other cars around on fire, having been blown up and flipped over. Across the street another van was parked, a women was seen holding a mic. She had a light brown suit and skirt with white trim, a few men with camera's came out around the women who spoke into the mic.*

Women: This is Jessica Carter reporting for...

*Before she could finish screams was heard as the sound of gun fire filled the area. Looking back to the bank, a man dressed like some thug with his face covered in a bandana was firing a AK into the air, another man was loading a RPG. As the gun man took aim at the news fan, Jessica and the news crew ran diving to the ground as the van behind them soon exploded. Avoiding injury luckily, she looked to see a few of her crew members injured by scrap metal.*

Jessica: Their... insane.

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Spiderman Uprising Empty Re: Spiderman Uprising

Post by lol1991 Sat Nov 12, 2011 6:18 pm

"Suddenly, the man with the RPG gets disarmed, as someone seems to appear out of thin air. The hero calling himself Yellow Jacket shows up"

YJ: And this! Is how you make an enterance!

"The RPG, and him, seemingly disappear again in the blink of an eye. In reality, he's just shrunk himself to a small enough size to slip by unnoticed."

YJ: I'll just take this out of the way and then handle the other guy and this is least nobody has damn pulse wave thingies this time!


"Meanwhile, Max is still able to keep up with the black biker. As he rounds another corner however, the biker's seemingly disappeared"

Max: W-what?

"Max's curiosity was peaked...and there was very little that did that these days. He wondered where he could get information on the figure, and quickly headed to his office"
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